Sunday, July 13, 2008

Rescuing a Fellow Dater in Need

I always date men who are older. Unfortunately, my friends disapprove of this, so one time they set me up with a "guy my own age." But all this supposedly mature date could talk about was how special he was, how many women he had "tamed" (no joke) and how much money he made. After two hours I ended up calling a friend for a ride home.

Two weeks later, I saw the same guy having dinner in a restaurant with another woman. He was wearing the same suit, the same fake gold chains, and his new date looked as bored as I had been on our date! Even though I didn't know her, I had to rescue her. So I marched to their table, took her hand and told her I missed hanging out with her. Then, I asked if she wanted to leave with me! When she said she missed me too, the look on his face was priceless. The best part is that woman and I are still good friends, 15 years later.

--submitted by Sheri

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Something similar about 22 yrs ago and she is my best friend!! Amazing how things turn out for the best, thanks men!